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This website belongs to PEDACON GmbH, CH-9500 Wil SG.

All information provided in this website are copyright protected. Copying, processing, editing and/or forwarding of this information(s) requires prior written consent from PEDACON GmbH.

This information serves only as general information. No binding guarantees or assurances shall be derived from the contents of this website and all information is excluded from liability for the correctness of the information. Binding statements can be made only on firm queries and the written proposals thereupon by PEDACON GmbH. Contents of this website are subject to change at any time in all respects (technical/commercial).

All logos, trademarks etc. referred in this website belongs to their respective holders. Links, if any, provided here, does not belong to PEDACON GmbH, and are operated by third parties. These links only serve for clearer illustration. PEDACON GmbH does not create the contents of those websites on its own and is thereby not responsible for their contents.

PEDACON GmbH reserves the right for the changes in design, technology and equipment as well as the information.

PEDACON GmbH reserves the right for changes in design, technology and equipment as well as the information.

Contact details

Gewerbehaus Stelz
Wilerstrasse 207
CH-9500 Wil / SG
Phone +41 71-920 14 40
Fax +41 71-920 14 41

Concept, Design, Publishing

Octocom Marketingkommunikation
Werbeagentur, CH-9320 Arbon
Marketing, Werbung, Webdesign, Suchmaschinen-Optimierung SEO